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Weekly earnings rise 4.2% but men still earn more

Median weekly earnings were €699.28 in 2023, which represented an increase of 4.2 per cent on 2022, new data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) shows.
The data shows men earned more than women over the period, with median weekly earnings for males at €770.52 compared with €623.22 for women.
The economic sectors with the highest median weekly earnings were information and communication at €1,356.59, and financial, insurance and real estate at €977.34.
The lowest median weekly earnings were recorded for the accommodation and food sector at €364.31.
Median weekly earnings were recorded at €793.71 for Dublin, which was 13.5 per cent higher than the median weekly earnings for the State at €699.28 and 40 per cent higher than Donegal which, at €567.04, had the lowest median weekly earnings.
Indian nationals were the only nationality cohort in which the median weekly earnings among women (€908.44) were higher than those of males (€849.68), while the gap between male and woman weekly earnings was largest among UK nationals.
The 40-49 years age group recorded the highest overall median weekly earnings at €855.39 in 2023, a 4.3 per cent increase on the equivalent figure in 2022 of €819.75.
